Long post today, because I have literally lost sleep in the last couple of weeks over what will happen here in the months that follow. There will be a political riff in November, and the economic consequences need to be considered. Along with countless articles online, I have been reading Crisis Economics by Nouriel Roubini (aka Dr. Doom), one of the first economists to blow the whistle on the upcoming crisis back in 2006, and in fairly accurate detail. I'm still reading, but at this point I would highly recommend the book. Chapter two gives a brief but in depth review of economic theories and the theorists behind them. He runs through where we came from, what we've learned, where we've failed, and where we are presently. Right now we are at a truly incredible moment in history where there are two main schools of thought with completely opposite conclusions vying for credibility. I will attempt to outline the two here.
The Austrian school of economics preaches against unsustainable debt, and against government intervention. They argue that debt begets more debt, and government intervention will only lead us down the path of ever increasing debt which will eventually lead to a collapse of our system. Looking at our history of government intervention, it is hard to argue that this observation is incorrect. We see increased debt, masked by inflation and the break from the gold standard, and increasingly lax fiscal and monetary policy since the Great Depression. To prove its modern applicability, this most recent bust could be attributed to Greenspan's federal reserve keeping interest rates too low for too long in reaction to the 2001 tech bust, leading to money being too easily available, an excessive lending boom and a speculative bubble in real estate, then before we've recovered from that recession we catapult into stimulus for the next recession. It's never ending!
So, if these Austrians are so on the ball, why don't we do what they recommend: cut spending, raise taxes, and bring down the debt?
At the core of the Austrian school of economics is the concept of "creative destruction." This term is used to describe the need for economies to be torn down and brought up from the ground, having filtered the weak links out. In other words, the Great Depression was the correct reaction to our over speculation prior to that bust. The difference being that rather than using government money to stimulate the economy, we should be left to slowly crawl out on our own. This to me, is the truly logical solution. The weak perish, the strong survive, and we come out of the flames with a smaller, leaner, more efficient economy... oh and by the way there is NO limit to the number of allowed casualties. The economy comes back when it is deserving. Logical, but totally lacking in regard for society, and lord knows where that would leave us politically. We have enough turmoil without the depression.
The Libertarian school of thought is the same, but is in denial of the inevitable destruction caused by the deflationary spiral. For an excellent illustration of just how much deflation spirals on itself, take a look at Ireland, the first of the European countries to enact the austerity measures similar to those recently agreed upon by the rest of Europe at the G20 meeting in Toronto. Here's what's going on RIGHT NOW: Ireland enacted austerity measures 2 years ago (around the same time we started stimulus), and now their unemployment is up to 13.7%, they're still in a recession, their credit rating crashed, wages were cut, and what's worse is their debt as percentage of GDP has more than doubled from roughly 25% to 80%. As a basis for comparison, our debt has risen from roughly 65% to 90% since the beginning of stimulus in 2008, only the last 10% coming during Obama's term, but that number continues to grow. We're both at similar debt/GDP ratios and both are still rising, but we're no longer in a recession, have falling unemployment, and have a good credit rating... oh and we started at a much higher debt level. Ireland vs the US may be apples to oranges, but this is something to consider.
So if the Austrians are right, but have a far too painful remedy, and the Libertarians are just Austrians who are fooling themselves, what's the other option? The other main school of thought on the table is Keynesian economics. Keynesian theory is that in the presence of a crisis, the government should swiftly step in with stimulus targeted at restoring aggregate demand and supplementing liquidity to halt the recession. This stimulus needs to stay in place until confidence has been restored to the system, the recession has been transformed into stable growth, and business as usual is restored. As the recession turns to steady growth, the stimulus should be pulled back gradually to manage inflationary forces. The debt accrued during the stimulus period is slowly repaid during a period of steady inflation, during which time the value of the debt has been gradually decreasing, and more importantly the GDP has been growing.
The problem with this school of thought is judging the duration and severity of the stimulus required. It's like planning a hike across the desert and trying to decide how much water to bring. Too much and you get weighed down, too little and you die of dehydration, and the main problem is that you have no idea how large the desert is. That is the situation we're staring at right now (a good analogy which shows my skepticism of common sense simplicity). Also, Keynesian economists are lousy at judging how to pull back because they're afraid of freaking out the market which has grown dependent on their government safety net. Then when the next recession hits, we're still reeling in debt from the previous one! This is where the infinite inflation scenario comes from.
What Roubini says is that both schools are correct, and it's a darn shame that they fight rather than talk with each other. There is a time and a place for both. During recovery it is critical to stop the fall of the market and encourage growth the way the Keynesians know how to do. Then there should be a firm, but not premature transition to Austrian austerity as the economy flourishes. This cooperation of the two schools is the best possible solution... but improperly timed may be the worst. The WORST possible solution is an attempt at Keynesian recovery, only to be stifled by Austrian austerity at the first sign of the recovery. Then you get Keynesian debt and Austrian "creative destruction." ... Yes, OH SHIT indeed! The worst of both worlds. That is why the treasury and Fed remained firm just prior to the great depression, that is what happened in Japan during the lost decade (except they still held onto some of the stimulus, resulting in stagflation rather than all out depression... almost as bad), and that is what it looks like we're about to do.
Which brings me to the title of this post. In November there is very likely going to be a shift of power, largely due to paranoia and the "common sense" rebellion against the "socialist" Obama administration. The primary purpose of this post is not to convince the conservatives that Obama is doing the right thing. 1) That's a futile effort, and 2) I don't know if he is or isn't, because Keynesian theory isn't money magic, it largely depends on how you spend the money and how you exit the recovery strategy. My point here is to present the two realistic schools of thought, their respective advantages and drawbacks, and to at least introduce the possibility that a) Obama is at least aware of both sides of the argument and went with the more commonly believed school, b) we could possibly be doing the right thing already, and c) that the premature switch from one school to the other could potentially be catastrophic. You may not BELIEVE all of that, but it should at least be plausible.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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One of the key ingredients of a REAL recovery is OPTIMISM. Have you noticed the popularity polls for Congress? They're lucky to be batting 150. These are the guys that pass laws, and enact STIMULUS plans, Obamacare, etc. They drum up BIG new programs to add to the list of BIG failed programs. They create MONSTER social programs, and then they rape the programs of all their money. DEBT! DEBT! DEBT! They create CRISIS and insist they're helping the little guy, so they try to convince the little guy that a NEW regulatory commission is needed to protect their best interest. Massive financial regulations, moratoriums. Homeland security...no end to the bullshit!
Main street is AMERICA....plain and simple. Joe the Plumber goes to work, and tries to keep food on the table, and a roof over his head. Government needles him to debt.....or at least he feels that way. Where's the optimism in that?
Your average citizen knows that if they shoot their wad....their wad will be gone! That's one of the BIG DISCONNECTS between Main street and Barnie's World....as in that nut job that insisted that everything was hunky dory over at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Two big government apendages set up as clearing houses for the banks....which gave out ass backward loans through the Retard Housing Act...which contributed to the current fiasco....that and money manipulation by the Feds.
What'skilling Obama's efforts, if theer is EFFORT is the fact that he appears to be (in the eyes of the people) a Socialist. When I think of Socialsim I think of people living in tents around camp fires set up in a Bart station or shopping mall parking lot. Nice! But where's the OPTIMISM in that program? So you have ANTI-FREE ENTERPRISE.....lets not be arrogant leaders...apologize for every damn thing! Like we didn't already bail the world out in WWII.
Let's not lead the world....lets all be equally fucked up!
The reason the economy is so bad, and most likely getting worse is due to a lack of OPTIMISM on the part of the people. Study history....nobody had faith in the peanut guy, and his economy was the shits. Reagan came in full of OPTIMISM and turned the shit around. Bill Clinton generated OPTIMISM, except he blew it...or she blew it? JFK generated great OPTIMISM....WASHINGTON generated OPTIMISM.
Obama....he generates looney Left wing ideology. HUGE disconnect with the American way....."CAN DO" entrepenuership, Capitalism, and Free Market system. This is fuck'n AMERICA! NOT Cuba or Venezuela! He's dragging the country kicking and screaming into the 3rd World!
There will be a great American come back, because that's the American way! But there will be hell to pay until we can repair our mistakes. The biggest problem with the spend like crazy school of economics is we are now BROKE...hard to be OPTIMISTIC about that.
Yes, exactly. The last key to the puzzle is OPTIMISM! This is EXACTLY why I wrote this post.
When you think about the alternatives to what we're doing, we have the better, and maybe even correct policy. But right now, there is no understanding of the alternative. We are seeing the alternatives in Ireland, we see it in Greece, we're about to see it in the rest of Europe, and we saw it here in the Great Depression. Libertarians say, cut spending, don't raise taxes, just leave us alone. Fine, maybe that was the right thing to do 70yrs ago when we could've pulled ourselves slowly out of the ashes of the Great Depression, but a) we would never have become the military or economic world power that we are today by dragging ourselves out on our bellies, with our highly responsible fiscal austerity. And b) because we didn't go down that path originally, we now have MASSIVE amounts of debt that will not go away just because the government stops intervening in our lives. If we move to austerity now, we go into a deflationary spiral. That part is guaranteed. The likely results that follow are we default on those loans, our credit rating crashes, the world loses faith in the dollar, we're no longer the economic power, the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, we maybe go to a gold standard, and who's scooping up all the gold right now? CHINA!
So AGAIN, considering the ALTERNATIVES, we ARE doing the right thing! But if we're doing the right thing, why do we remain so pessimistic?
1) Unemployment remains high, however, if you look at the Bureau of Labor Statistics data you can see an unusually steady increase in both total jobs and private sector jobs (see graphs on pg. 3). You can see the clear trough of unemployment was in Jan 2009, and it has been climbing back up steadily with the occasional blips. The next month's data will be a slight pullback (hopefully just a blip, but not likely), because of the pessimism over the impending doom of Europe, but that's not something we have control over. End of story, let's get past that. Which leads us to reason #2.
2) If the data looks so good, why does everybody believe we're failing? Because they keep getting told that we're failing by the people who stand to profit from that misconception! If you notice conservative reporting usually says things like, "80% of people believe the stimulus had no effect." ...Yea, those are people's BELIEFS, that's not a statistic based in reality. 100% of people who can read a graph and SEE the things I'm showing you can see that it has had an effect, and employment is generally on the rise. READ THIS ARTICLE! This is as planned, and 70% of economists believe the stimulus is working. But like you said, the last piece of that puzzle is OPTIMISM! He can do everything right, and if the public won't buy into it, we will all fail. Drink the punch already, it's delicious!
...damn it, why am I having to respond with posts so long that it needs to be split in two? ...
3) Socialism. Obamacare, maybe good maybe bad, but definitely ruined any chances he had of not looking like a socialist. Politically a big mistake. I agree, bad idea politically, moving on. Outside of Obamacare, all the other things conservatives point to and shout "SOCIALISM!" are the actions we just established are the only alternatives to Austrian austerity. The very things he's doing to save the economy are what cause the accusations of socialism and the pessimistic views from the public! It's a catch-22! Save the economy, be called a socialist and have the self-fulfilling prophecy of pessimism make it fail, or just consciously let it fail by doing the same thing as Europe. Seriously, WHAT do you want him to do?
4) Conservatives want Obama to fail so they can retake congress in November, which is all fine and normal, but his failure right now means ALL of our failure. Question what you support, because it's completely backwards right now. Conservatives don't want Obama to turn us into Europe, but THEY're the ones following Europe's plan to "save" the economy. They claim we'll have a "great American comeback" once we fix our mistakes, but support policies that will only lead to a great American DEFAULT. You want leadership, but Obama is the only one leading the G20 away from the path of most screwedness.
More on backwardness unrelated to economics: Conservatives tout the glories of the free market, but go against it with their protectionist policies (Do you realize we had 9.2million foreign applicants for the 20,000 H1B advanced degree work visas? We educate the best and brightest here, only to send them back to their countries in order to protect American jobs. That's reverse brain drain, and is NOT how the free market works! "Buy American" is also deceptively anti-free market, but then even when Petrobras buys American the conservatives freak out about us giving them the purchasing loan. COME ON!). They support the can do attitude, but perpetuate this irrational pessimism, and rather than preserving the American way of innovation and success, they want to change the American way to widespread misconceptions and failure. They want a more educated, successful middle class, want to send the kids to college, then as soon as the kids come out they're suddenly "liberal elitists," as if all we learned in college was socialism! Do you realize the researching skills required to make it through college. For one project I had to have a sound enough understanding of nuclear physics (NOT my major or area of expertise) to present evidence contradicting a nuclear misconception, to a room full of scientists and engineers, including some nuclear physicists! Researching and understanding are the cornerstones of a college education.
And if you want to talk about history and people in tents, the most glaring example in American history are the Hoovervilles, which has nothing to do with socialism, and everything to do with fiscal austerity! "It's time to wake up," says Palin, and I couldn't agree more.
correction, (see graphs on pgs. 1-3)**
Austerity may be coming our way, but in my opinion the whole country is not going to jump into austerity any time soon. Obamacare may have pissed people off, but if we were to switch to an austerity system now pessimism would be WAY more omnipresent. As far as unemployment rates go, I do not think it's as big a deal as everyone is screaming about. Of my generation, and of my friends who are also recent college graduates, everyone has found jobs QUICKLY and have PLENTY of options, with just a bachelor's degree. The jobs are there, and as usual, if there's a will there's a way. Conservatives believe this, too, but they're hyping up the unemployment statistics as an example of Obama's failures. And if we're going to talk about decreasing spending, and if we're going to wine about Obamacare, what about Afghanistan? Why doesn't anyone have a problem with our government spending absurd amounts of money on that? So far, our combined spending on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have surpassed $1 TRILLION, and we're spending MORE on the war in Afghanistan per month than we spent per month on Iraq (http://www.usatoday.com/news/military/2010-05-12-afghan_N.htm). What are we fighting for? We're fighting for god knows what in Afghanistan but not for our own welfare? And how do conservatives expect the government to stop raising taxes and magically have the spending and deficit go away?
I think that the stimulus package worked enough to ensure that unemployment didn't spiral out of control, but if tea partiers and conservatives keep emphasizing false statistics and riling people up against Obama without actually THINKING about what they're doing, they'll get exactly what they don't want -- an economy that's forced into extremely raised taxes, obliteration of the dollar, decreased spending, and lots more social programs to deal with the new depression.
What's the number of SAVED jobs again? The powers that be are blowing smoke up our asses!
Top priority before jumping on the Kool Aide wagon is to decifer the intent of the new President. Is he really a home grown terrorist bent on destroying the country or just a smooth talking nice guy trying his darndest to spend us in to recovery? I could spend a whole day documenting lies, bad Facebook connections, and choices that have been anti-Main street....and give you a list of more to come.
ie. The lame brains Dodd- and Frank trying to sneak crap into their new fandangled Financial reform bill....like Cap & Crap! I'm just amazed and amused at how long it's going to take before people wake up to the Leftist ideology, and what it means to their loss of Liberties.
The sooner the fence sitters drooling over "Kool Aide for all!" wake up, the sooner we can get real solutions to real problems.
Let's see.....LEFT side team....most of the students living Left wing propaganda day in and day out....all people on Welfare, because the Left promises Utopia for all.....all illegals, because they want Utopia too. Right now, most black people, because they like having a black President....all government workers, government unions, etc...and of course Left wing politicians that love to create programs for the Utopians...pro-abortion, anti-religion, and most Gay's.
Just curious as to how many Loons enjoyed the fireworks, beer and hot dogs this past weekend. The 4th of July is all about America winning it's independence from British tyranny....and now we're trying to be like European Socialist? Amazing!
Nothing wrong with "choices", and having a little fun under the Presidential desk, but seriously, the Left is destroying the country! Once that is agreed upon, then maybe the country can start making progress.
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