Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Crazy Uncle Il

N. Korea, wtf mate? Is Crazy Uncle Kim Jong Il ACTUALLY going to start a war, or does he just need a nap? WHO wants to start a war right now!?! That's crazy expensive! We can't afford this right now. Not to mention it's like getting in a fist fight with your girlfriend. If we lose or even struggle we're going to look like idiots, and if we beat them up too badly we'll look like bullies. They've got way too many soldiers and not near enough funding. Do they even have laser guided long range missiles? Our military budget is 11x their entire GDP, come on!

In the case that the Glorious Leader actually gets his Glorious Battle what happens? Hillary Clinton just returned from her visit with China, and it seems China could care less what N. Korea does. Why? 1) They're good trading partners, China accounts for about half of N. Korea's foreign commerce, provides them with around a ton of oil, and stands to gain more from S. Korea's withdrawal from the N. Korean market. 2) N. Korea will likely go to the Chinese for help, not with battle, but with weapons and supplies, and China will give it to them because we've been making HUGE weapon sales to Taiwan since the end of the Bush administration. Why would we DO that!?! ...well because China supplies weapons to Iran... dang.

End result, we lose a ton of money in the war effort, China makes money, our gigantic war budget is thinned out in battles around the world (with two allies of China), and our relations with China are worse than ever. And did we mention when N. Korea shut down their nuclear weapons facilities they signed them over to China in exchange for oil? If I had my Glenn Beck black board out we'd be looking at bubbles indicating that China gives weapons to Iran for oil, then exchanges that oil with N. Korea for their nuclear program! "Nuclear World War, yea, that's greaaat." <--that's my patronizing Glenn Beck voice.

I'm going to wrap this up before I go too far off the deep end. Bottom line, doesn't look good for N. Korea, but looks almost as bad for us.

In the process of trying to keep posts short, I think I may just be stating the obvious. I'll limit future posts to topics or viewpoints that are less widely spread. Thanks for reading.



Private said...

I think uncle Il wants to go out with a BANG! Like a Hail Mary pass! One for the Gipper! If I was Uncle Il on my death bed I'd probably send missiles flying every which way like New Year's eve in Hawaii.....when the smoke clears, he would have accomplished what a bad batch of Kim Chee could have never done. Break the back of the evil capitalist pig known as America! HAA HAAA!!

Disclamer: Not all Korean's are crazy bastards.

Between N. Korea and Iran, I guess we could muster up another World War. Wonder where that will take the Gold price?

Laughing stock President, piss poor foreign policy....no rainy day war chest. Lets dismantle our nuclear arsenal. "Buenas noches amigos!"

"Say hello to my little friend!"

How do you say MIRANDA RIGHTS in Korean?

What a fuck'n mess! I wish I was 30years older so I can check out before it's too late!

Wayne Yasuhara

YASU said...

hehe, ever the optimist. Don't forget Venezuela cutting off our oil too!